How To Calculate Calories and Carbohydrates In Beer (Simple Calculation)

calculation white board beer

Beer is one of the most extraordinary beverages invented by man. In the past, beer sustained human civilization by providing a safe liquid to drink. It has grown into a drink that has many different variations all around the world.

Drinking a beer can help you relax or be the perfect complement to the meal you are eating. Unfortunately, if you are counting calories, on a diet, or working out, beer has some calories that work against your goal.

The positive news is that it is perfectly ok to enjoy a beer occasionally. You can be healthy and drink beer. If you figure out how to calculate calories and carbohydrates in beer, you can avoid the beer gut.

This article will help you enjoy a beer at the bar, meet your fitness goals, and show you how to calculate the calories and carbohydrates in beer.

Best Equation to Calculate Calories and Carbohydrates in Beer

Now that you know beer’s nutritional facts, you can start to figure out how to calculate how many calories are in your favorite beer. The first step is to find the alcohol by volume (ABV).

The ABV is the percentage of alcohol in a given volume of beer. For example, if a beer has an ABV of 5%, it is 5% alcohol and 95% water.

You can find the ABV on the label of your beer. You can find it listed as a percentage or a number followed by “ABV” (for example, 5% ABV).

Once you know the ABV, you can use the following formulas to calculate the number of calories and carbohydrates in your beer.

  • Calories = ABV x 2.5 x ounces of beer
  • Carbohydrates = (ABV x 6.9 x ounces of beer) / 4

For example, let’s say you are drinking a beer with an ABV of 5%. To calculate the number of calories in this beer, you would use the following formula:

  • Calories = 5% x 2.5 x 12
  • Calories = 125

To calculate the number of carbohydrates in this beer, you would use the following formula:

  • Carbohydrates = (5% x 6.9 x 12) / 4
  • Carbohydrates = 21

As you can see, the number of calories and carbohydrates in beer can vary depending on the ABV. If you are trying to watch your calorie or carbohydrate intake, it is essential to know the nutritional content of your beer.

What Are the Nutritional Facts in Beer?

In general, you make beer with a few simple ingredients. Water, yeast, grains, and hops are the primary ingredients in beer. The majority of the calories in beer come from the grains in beer.

Unfortunately, beer is a higher calorie drink than other beverages, including other alcoholic drinks like wine and spirits. Furthermore, the calories in beer do not provide much nutritional value. It is mostly sugar. That is why some people say beer has a lot of empty calories. 

The empty calories in beer are the primary reason it is vital to avoid beer if you are trying to get ripped or lose weight.

The calories in beer come from alcohol and carbohydrates. About 60% comes from alcohol, and the other 40% comes from carbohydrates. The higher the alcohol percentage, the more calories a beer will have. Your favorite IPA has more calories than your favorite light beer.

The USDA provides the nutritional facts for the average 12-ounce beer. According to their site, beer has about 153 calories and 13 grams of carbohydrates. The nutritional content of beer can vary depending on the alcohol by volume (ABV), ingredients, and brewing process.

For example, light beer will have fewer calories than a standard beer. The calorie range for a 12-ounce beer is between 100-200 calories. If you are looking for a low-calorie option, consider choosing a light beer of around 100 calories.

The carbohydrate content in beer can also vary. For example, some beers are advertised as “low-carb” options. These beers typically have 5 grams of carbs or less. If you are trying to watch your carb intake, these options might be a good choice.

To get an idea of the range, the carbohydrate content in beer can be between 5-35 grams per 12 ounces. The average beer has 13 grams of carbohydrates.

What Are Calories?

A calorie is a unit of measurement used to quantify food’s energy. When you eat or drink, your body digests the food and uses it for energy. The calories in food give your body this energy.

Calories are often associated with weight gain because you can use them to quantify your energy consumption. If you eat more calories than you burn, your body will store the excess as fat.

Excess calories are why people trying to lose weight often reduce their calorie intake. Reducing the number of calories you consume can create a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit means your body will have to use stored energy (fat) to meet its energy needs.

What Are Carbohydrates?

Carbs are one of the three macronutrients found in food (the other two are fat and protein). Carbohydrates are found in various foods, including bread, pasta, rice, fruits, and vegetables.

Your body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar, and your body uses them for energy. You store the sugar from carbohydrates in your liver and muscles as glycogen.

When you exercise, your body uses glycogen for energy, and it is important to consume carbohydrates before and after exercise. Carbohydrates can also be stored as fat if you consume more than your body needs.

Wrap Up

Unfortunately, beer does not have a lot of health benefits and has a lot of empty calories. That does not mean you can’t enjoy one and stay fit. Now that you know how to calculate calories and carbohydrates in beer, you can calculate your macros and stay within your calorie goals while still enjoying a beer. 

This formula applies to all types of beers, so you can use it to calculate the calories and carbs in commercial and craft beers


Dan Specht

Dan has been homebrewing beer for 8 years and holds a level 2 certifiication as a Cicerone.

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